Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 1 in Web skills/Blogging

Success in Week 1/Blogging
Greetings &Cheers!
Facing so many problems and struggling them I am here to post my experiences of my first week on Building Teaching Skills Through Interactive Web Winter term 2013. As the saying "Child shows the man as morning shows the day" the course has developed a new skill on me. Now I am proud of the course and the course provider.I am a teacher and many discussion forums have been working and arguing on behalf of language teaching and use of technology.As I created my blog and went through the blog links of my e-participants, I am clear on blog and its application in our class.I have deleted all the misconception on blogging from my mind. It has encouraged me on better use blogging in the class if possible. For me, I use to say, "Your last mistake is your first teacher". This quote gets lots of space to be illustrated. Comments are much valuable than what the original post is. So from this very beginning I learnt that our home post is what we have already learnt but the comment and the skills of commenting or discussing is the outcome of the courses not only web skills but  also the others too.
Next interesting thing of the week is setting Ground Rules which I call House Rule in my work place.Our instructor didn't burden us with her strict monopoly. She tried to gather information from all the participants and made us feel easy. This is democratic learning, encouraging learners and participatory/collaborative learning.I have felt much happiness that I have no words to express my pleasure.
Finally I want to express my sincere  respect and honor to my Instructor,assistants and fellow colleagues and thank to the course provider. Waiting for next discussion and collaboration.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Upendra,

    Your blog is wonderful. You've done a great job with it.

